Wednesday 7 November 2012

Jangan dikata benci

Ini bukan nama sempena sinetron indon terbaru ye dan bukan juga drama sambungan Benci Bilang Cinta..

Apa yang aku belajar, apa yang aku perhati, jangan selalu ungkap perkataan benci. Sebabnye.. sebab benda  yang kita benci tu akan buat kita suka atau memang kita suka. Sebab tu lah kita benci.

Contohlah, Aminah (tidak berkenaan dengan yang masih hidup mahupun dah mati) benci jika dapat bakal suami yang hisap rokok...................akhirnya jodohnya dengan lelaki hisap rokok.. (panjangkan cerita aku).

Damn.. itu terjadi dekat aku, cuma si dia belum bergelar suami. hee~ T_T dia sudah pun berhenti. Dah setahun pun. Punya susah mahu pujuk jangan & jangan & jangan. Alhamdulillah.. hohoho.

Dari situlah aku mula belajar untuk meNUTURALkan setiap perasaan benci aku. Think positive..boleh tak suka, tapi jangan terlampau tak suka @ benci.

Tak kisahlah benci pasal rokok ke, benci dekat someone ke, benci dekat barang ke... at the end, sooner or later, kau akan terpaksa menerimanya.

p/s: Deal with your own feelings

Hilang panas di Melaka sementara.

Melaka yang ku kenali selama bertahun lamanya setiap hari disirami hujan. MELAKA .. disinilah terletak kampung ayahku dan di sini juga aku menuntut ilmu. ececece

Amik diploma pun kat sini, amik degree pun kat sini....jodoh aku dengan Melaka kuat! :P tapi alhamdulillah bf aku bukan orang Melaka. Mahu aku kebosanan sampai bila-bila. Melaka pun dah bosan tengok muka aku.

Semalam sebelum tidur aku ambil masa romantik atas katil....lampu bilik ditutup. Lampu belajar di on, bantal ditinggikan, tarik comforter perlahan-lahan, sumbat telinga dengan earphone & dengar radio, dan akhir aku baca buku. Nampak tak keselesaannye..nyaman je rasa....agagaga. Supaya keNYAMANAN di melaka berterusan. :P

p/s : malam ni nak buat benda yang sama....nyamannyeeeeeeee

Thursday 18 October 2012

Perasan lebih

Tadi aku saja tengok Youtube. Then, aku tengok flashmob proposal...

Mula-mula aku tengok pe ke benda dia meluahkan perasaan awal video tu.boring..~~~ Takpe..Sabar ye..

Mula-mula dua perempuan je yang menari..then rami-ramai..Aku terkedu sebentar.. gila cool diorang menari. Every steps amazing. #akumulateruja. Hebat betul orang luar negara sanggup buat camtu.

Bila aku tengok video tu..aku bayangkan perasaan perempuan tu. Mak aii..mesti tergamam.(mula la tu bayangkan diri sendiri) tapi aku sedar ok adat kita sebagai orang melayu macam mana, lagi-lagi agama Islam sendiri. Hanya teruja melihat budaya orang. Itu sahaja  hee~ Btw, lelaki tu ada usaha nak buat proposal tu unik. Hebat!.

Friday 12 October 2012

In Loving Memory of Lost Loved Ones

"You're time has already come and I don't know why
The last thing I heard you were doing just fine
it seems like just yesterday I was laughing with you."

If i can say few words to describe how much you reminded me of everything..i will... Every status on facebook by our relatives and your friends' wishes,my heart is completely crushed.. what should i do.. I miss everything.. i will keep the picture that you hold me when i was a baby safely. i will.. 

Even though i don't have a chance to say goodbye and i also know that i will never see you on this earth ever again, i will pray for you always busu.. 

Wednesday 10 October 2012

it's hard for me...

9th October 2012...

1.My mom's birthday

Ibu, selamat hari lahir...semoga dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezki and happy2 selalu..thank u for everything. i love u so much! :) nanti ira, akak, angah and alan celebrate birthday ibu bila ira cuti mid term nanti k. :)

Ibu, tarikh ni akan lagi diingati..sebab same day dengan tarikh busu tinggalkan kita.. sama2 kita doakan busu...

2. She have passed away

Fatimah binti Samat, you're such a wonderful person...great,kind, humble and everything that is beautiful in these world. 

Fatimah Samat. i called her busu/busu imah, sebab dia paling bongsu. Dia adalah adik kepada ibuku..
Busu seorang yang happy go lucky, cool, baik hati, tak berkira pun and antara mak cik-makcik yang aku ada yang sangat sangat hyper...... :) How lucky i am have you busu as my auntie.. :')

Even though kami jarang berjumpa.. sebab masing-masing busy and kerja, tapi once kitorang jumpe, sure happening..

Last aku jumpa dia, hari raya pertama 2012. waktu tu dia dah sarat mengandung almost 7 months.. Nampak dia tak bermaya..tapi dia still senyum...senyuman dia memang sweet..tak nampak sakit dah.

Sebelum ni, dia dah pun mengalami keguguran bila masuk 6 bulan (1st time pregnant)...dia redha takde rezeki lg. dia still boleh senyum & dalam berpantang dia boleh main bowling dengan kitorang.. dia memang hebat..the strengh and courage..very impressive.. walaupun dia senyum, sape sangka dalam hati..tapi die memang tak mengalah and takdelah rasa down 27hours.

When i heard dia pregnant for the 2nd time, aku memang excited nak dapat sepupu baru..alhamdulillah..sedih dia tak berpanjangan... bayangkan aku punye excited, kadang-kadang aku mengira bile due date busu..setiap bulan aku kira..and aku tunggu bulan november masuk. Waktu tu aku terbayang kakak aku kol cakap busu dah delivered.. tingginya harapan aku...

On last sunday,midnight, 7 Oct, aku dapat mesej FB dari dia..habis dia tag semua anak-anak buah dia.(aku,kakak-kakak aku, mak ngah,and Amalya(sepupu aku lagi sorang))..
Original conversation from her :

"Salam anak anak buah durian...busu nak tanya anak anak samseng kg dusun ada di kl ke di melaka ke di chicago ke...Pak busu berada di spore untuk 6 hari so busu nak tanys ada sapa sapa yg baik hati nak teman duduk dgn busu di condo busu. Dua tiga org pun ok. Makan minum ditanggung hanya bawak pakaian sahaja. Start date: malam ini atau esok. Tamat: sunday 14 oct. Kesian busu sarat mengandung.. Takde teman di rumah..."

Dari sini semua jelas dia memang sporting and happy person... :"( ..

[samseng kampung dusun tu dia selalu panggil ayah aku sebab dia suka bergurau,kalau dia call ayah aku dia panggil nama tu je "samseng kampung dusun ada kat mana tu?" & yang anak-anak buah durian tu dia saja2 je] busu..busu...we will miss you...

adik aku tak tersenarai sebab diakan laki, makcik aku nak peneman perempuan..  :-)

lepas berdiscuss2...kakak aku yang sulung sepatutnya teman dia lepas balik tidur rumah dialah, but at the end tak jadi sebab dia dah masuk hospital dulu....sebab sesak nafas & heart complications..

Malam semalam bila dapat call dari akak, aku rasa kosong..aku tak percaya, banyak kali aku tanye betul ke tak... waktu tu hanya Allah je tahu macam mane aku rase..aku termenung dulu...baru aku nangis...Ya Allah.. Macam mimpi...aku kat melaka, apa je aku boleh buat.hanya al-fatihah dgn bace yassin lepas aku dah on the way pergi hospital waktu tu.. entah la.. sekarang aku masih dalam khayalan.. aku bangun tidur pagi tadi rasa hiba sangat..aku harap mimpi..tapi bila aku tengok status saudara-saudara aku kt FB balik, baru aku tahu benda tu betul-betul jadi... Ya Allah.. Tempatkan busu di kalangan orang yang beramal soleh.. sedihnya... baby dalam kandungan pun tak dapat diselamatkan... 8 bulan..tinggal sebulan lebih lagi..

"Busu, ira rindu busu..your smile, and everything about you.. ira harap sangat dapat jumpa busu... Maafkan ira tak dapat balik taw. Esok ira ade kuiz..kalau tak dah lama ira balik busu, lagi pun ira kt sini.. ira minta maaf busu.. takpe,ira akan selalu doakan busu tenang dan mendapat rahmat dariNya..malam ni ira buat solat hadiah jenazah untuk busu..k..  Selamat menempuh alam sana..tetapkan iman.. InsyaAllah kita semua akan berkumpul dan berjumpa satu hari nanti.."

"Ya Allah ya Tuhanku..aku memohon dan merayu kepada Mu, peliharalah Fatimah Binti Samat dengan sebaik-baiknya, kami amat menyayangi dirinya. Cucurilah rahmat ke atasnya dan tempatkanlah dia di kalangan orang mukmin yang mendapat syafaat di akhirat kelak.."

Wednesday 3 October 2012

You know it

This post is my opinion as a girl and a women.

What do you think when your boyfriend, fiance or husband cheating on you and YOU KNOW IT!

You know it, but you remained silent. why?

Scared??Not prepared? Please girls, please, stand strong, you have right to speak out and 'throw' that guy out of your life.[ That was an option ok]. The reality is, once the guy cheat on you, there is high possibility he will make it in a future. Again and again. Even though not all guys are the same, but most of it. 

A friend of mine exactly faced the same thing, she knew it..but her heart melted quickly like an ice cream when the guy said few words and texting her over and over again. What a drama. Guys! Stop it ok, if you are not interested with that relationship, just admit it and move on with your 'habit". Don't try to look back on your ex  and make innocence face or says sweet "quotes". Then, after a few weeks or months, you guys do the same thing! (Cheating)

These free advice is not only for guys, but girls too (people nowadays..@_@.)

or should i suggest this book. haha.

(Just kidding)

p/s : sorry if there's any grammatical errors

Monday 1 October 2012


Emosi mengawal hati dan mengawal akal..
Apa akan jadi..
Sayang seribu kali sayang,
Hati seseorang dah dilukai,

Semuanya akan hilang..

Bila tersedar,
Nak ditarik balik,
Dah tak mampu,
Sayang seribu kali sayang,

Tak terucap dek mulut,
Tak termampu segalanya,

Apa yang jadi,
Maaf kata yang terbit,
Ditanam sekeliling bibir,

Saat itu,
Penyesalan yang mampu.

Friday 21 September 2012


Baru dua minggu dah di"sediakan" dengan assignment2.. hari selasa hari tu tanganku membawa TUAH pabila mencabut nombor giliran presentation....hambekk..tertera nombor SATU!!!mulut kawanku mmg masin..(kenapalah anda berkata-kata), next week la kami akan membebel-bebel di depan ke kelas...harap bersabar semua ye nanti. hee

Semalam aku buat slide bahagian aku dari pukul 9 sampai pukul 2 pagi non stop, macam nak pitam je..nasib baik pipi ni tak berbekas keyboard. Habis muka i nanti taw~~~~~

(huduh tol....)

so, hari ni bahagian aku dh siap..yahooo! lega nokkk.. :P

p/s : ada lagi satu assignment...sabor lah hati. :)

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Already 1 year :)

(Walaupun amat kurang minat dengan lagu ni :)) apakan daya..ertinya hampir sama dgn kisah ni.hee~)

Setahun yang lepas..ceritanya hampir sama dengan lirik lagu tak perlu nak cerita siap imagine,feeling2.. :D selebihnya biarlah kami je yang simpan sbgai kenangan... 
Thanks to MR.I..bahagiakan saya.hargai saya.sayang saya.sokong saya.teman saya dan lain2 words can describe this feelings...InsyaAllah,3 or 4 tahun lagi sampai ke "status" yang lain.Semua dalam perancangan.Semoga Allah permudahkan urusan kita dan makbulkan doa-doa kita :) amiiin.. Walaupun jauh lagi tempoh tu,InsyaAllah kita sama-sama tempuhnya ok.. :) 
(dahsyat tak?siap buku ok.. :P)

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Malaysia Special Forces / Komando Elit

aku 'pinjam' gambar ni jap. hee~

Kalau nak tengok lebih lagi tengoklah History channel 555/575..very impressive and amazing story.. want to know more click here;

1st time aku tengok. Aku tabikkkkkk calon-calon tersebut samada gagal or lulus.. Kalau aku masuk sure pengsan or sakit mental lepas tu.(kawad kaki waktu sekolah pun aku mengelak) hehe

Kalau tak salah aku yang masuk training ni seramai 180 orang.. Training selama hampir 3 bulan ni untuk pemilihan. So, dari 180 hampir separuh GAGAL. Heartbroken gilerrr dorang tak dapat topi hijau,kesian aku tengok. Bayangkan dah berhempas pulas training sampai kurus keding..akhirnya gagal. But, bro,you all did very well.

Diorang ada macam-macam training..ada kene berjalan sejauh 160km. Waktu ni memang banyak gagal. Kesian giler, lambat kene tendang sampai tersungkur.nasib baik kat atas rumput.kalau kat atas batu, memang muka tu kene sagat. (dah tak hensem, hilang macho) jangan harap la lelaki maskulin nak pergi training ni..hampeehhhh. Mana yang gagal waktu ni memang semua dehydrated..pengsan sampai menggigil..

Then training yang lain diorang bercamping dekat hutan.Waktu ni diorang dh jadi ala-ala tarzan aku tengok  Tarzan pun lagi ok aku rasa. Makanan ala-ala sushi mentah without rice....hee~ siput dan ada tu makan biawak. (silakan muntah) itu je sumber makanan dan protein diorang. Ada sekumpulan pelatih tu kene tangkap malam-malam sebab pergi makan and cari siput lagi..dan sebagai hukuman kene ikat berdiri sampai keesokannya.Ada jugak yang kene duduk dalam 'penjara buluh' (bukan penjara sg.buloh ok) yang terletak dalam kawasan paya...hurm..bad record if get caught.possibility to fail is greater.

jangan jadi macam ni, (please)maybe diorang dalam pic ni gagal lepas training.. Abaikan~

this is real

For those iron man out there who really interested in Malaysia Special Forces, please prepared physically and MENTALLY (very important). Jangan harap nak tidur ye..kalau dapat tidur belum tentu lena & cukup.

tadaaaaaaaa (suprised konon-konon)

Raya ke berapa pun aku tak ingat. Yang aku tawu aku akan balik ke MELAKA ahad ni....ohhhhhh myyyyyyyyy............nothing.

dan lama aku tak update blog ni. Mood malas melanda jiwa dan tangan. Bukak FB kat laptop pn aku malas. Aku tak tahu kenapa...dari aku habis exam sampai nak masuk sem baru, satu post je aku buat...percayalah aku pemalas. :P

rutin dekat rumah :

kemas rumah
tido/tgk tv
makan (kalo rajin masak, kalo tak aku makan ape yg ada)
 tu jelah........

aku je tinggal kt rumah, lain semua kelija a.k.a kerja. buhsannnnnn tahap gaban.

Aku rase nak je pergi mana-mana sorang2..berjalan2,window shopping,have lunch alone @ outside..janji sorang2, aku nak buat benda pelik.pergi mane2 sorang2...lantak orang nak cakap apa..janji have fun. hee~ (my MR..I tak bagi,katanya "bahayalah.nak melintas lagi,tu la,ni la......tapi kalau nak pegi gak sukahati(statement marah)")


Friday 3 August 2012

Burung apa??

jawapannya..... burung hantu....
bukan burung murai ye..

sama tak dengan muka aku??
bayangkan malam-malam aku macam ni..berjaga...mata kuyu.duduk tak buat apa-apa..
nak cakap 'staring'...tidak..
nak cakap dengar lagu...tidak...
meng'online'kan diri.....jarang sekali (dh lame aku tak update blog)
Facebook yang Mark Zass tu cipta pun dah jarang der dionlinekan..

(aku tak nak cakap yang aku sebenarnya tengah takut tunggu result exams)

dan aku dah bagi tawu..

p/s: tidur lah..tidur lah...tidur lah...semoga hari esok adalah hari yang baik.amiiin...zzzzzzZZZzzZz

Wednesday 11 July 2012

my choux paste

ape yg dijanjikan ditunaikan..
as my last post, i want to try baking choux paste...and i did it last Saturday.hee~

ni dalam oven....

how it looks..yummy!

there is choc filling! 

hurm...masih dalam percubaan dan ingin lagi mencuba..tak semua yang menjadi.. :(

Tapi yang menjadi....sodappppp! i'll try to fix it next time :)

Friday 6 July 2012

swan cream puff & choux paste.


Puff ni sebenarnye hampir sama dengan choux paste.. bezanya yang satu bentuk bolat dan yang satu dihias macam swan..(dulu nak buat kepala swan ni asyik patah je,grrrrr!) :P

Esok KALAU aku RAJIN (malas sebenarnya) ,aku buat la macam swan ni.kalo xbolat je.. :P tapi aku teringin sangat makan benda alah ni..tapi aku nak gantikan cream tu dengan coklat..aumm! cream custard pun sodap...tapi disebabkan coklatnye sudah ada,aku teruskan jua...hee~

Bentuk choux paste macam ni..

then, intinya samaada cream custard or coklat or pape je di'enjet' ke dalam.... :)

boleh lah makan...........

mesti bertambah...(ok, air liur dah meleleh...)

boleh juga dibuat seperti ni...(mata dah terbayang-bayang dah ni,sambil menutup mate) :P

 : second last exam on next thursday..the last paper will be on,kita buat dulu choux paste.
 : to my uncle,pak itam...dari dulu pak itam suruh buat benda alah ni, cakap nak beli barang and ira   buat..dari pak itam bujang, sampai dah kawen, sampai ira dah ade sepupu baru..tak terbeli and ira pun tak terbuat.hahaha.

(pak itam, mak itam, and adorable Jasmine) hehe :)

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Ignoring the last post.

Malam ni terasa nak mengupdate blog walaupun last entry ckp lagi 2 minggu akan aktif..haha. (nak gak update..wuek..)

Bila final exams, semua tak keruan..buku lah teman sejati,bukulah bantal tidur,bukulah yang jadi selimut.. arghhh... harap-harap semua berjalan dengan lancar.Amiin. hee~

Semalam 2 julai Mr.I sambung belajar..aku pulak risau, baru dua hari rase sunyi, terasa giler...(sebelum ni tak terasa pun sbb aku yang busy dengan kelas) haha. #padanmukaaku.

Mr.I dah botak.(student kene botak waktu orientasi)...tak adalah licin..ada gak rambut..hee~

(botak lebih kurang macam ni lah..comel pn macam ni gak :D)

Tahniah kepada Mr.I kerana menyambung pelajaran.. im proud of you. Tahniah juga kepada adik bongsuku (memang aku ada adik sorang je) yang bakal ke politeknik ahad ini ye... carilah ilmu sampai ke negeri china..hehehe

Berbalik kepada kisah aku.. aku ada lagi 3 paper..accounting, public relations & social marketing...(bertahan-bertahan)...tak sabar rasanya nak bercuti..aku tawu ada kalangan student2 U lain dah bergumbira sakan,peluk bantal tak hengat,berjalan ke sana kemari...(panas hati ini).takpe2...nanti giliran aku. Hambeek..sebulan puase kt rumah + beraya.. dah 2 tahun aku puasa di perantauan (melaka aje)..kali ni..full puasa (full??) kt rumah...phm tanda '??'?...kepada yang membaca dan paham, senyum sendiri2 ok.. :)) . maksud aku, sebulan puasa tu aku de kt rumah..raya pun sama.

Nak dijadikan cerita,minggu lepas hati aku tak keruan baca buku law..tak ingat dah case,principal..hati ni berkecamuk.. sebab malam tu budak-budak kelas bagi tahu kena amik intersesi cuti sem ni.. semua dah mengamuk kt twitter,facebook...

ada yang cakap " yang nak pendidikan percuma ni"..." yang nak sokong......"

aku dah nak nangis dah (niat nk buat terawih sebanyak yang boleh kt rumah hancur bergolek,dihimpap,dicarik dan lain2 lagi).heee..kenapa ini semua terjadi.....dah la esok tu nak exam.dan aku redha....lepas exam lecturer yang uruskan intersesi tu nak jumpe....semua muka menahan je,drastik sungguh..kenapa dari awal sem tak cakap..tiba-tiba..duit nak cekau mana,nk tinggal kt mana.miss tu pun tak tahu nak cakap ape dah sbb die pn dapat email..akhirnya miss tepon lecturer fakulti aku,

jawapannya...ada kesalahan teknikal...kami tidak perlu mengambil intersesi..alhamdulillah.lega nok... ada yang dah macam budak SPM yang cemerlang..melompat keriangan

p/s: syukur pada Mu ya Allah.. :)

Saturday 30 June 2012

Tuesday 29 May 2012

maid of honor.

Hujung minggu ni i will be maid of honor untuk bakal maksu ku...yes,this is my first experience. Hopefully everything is ok...

Adik-beradik aku semua dah pernah jadi pengapit.aku je..Umur 21 baru nk merasa jadi pengapit.haha.ok ler tu. :P

What it will be? What should i do?how is it?

Dulu aku terfikir,apa rasa jadi ke? mesti penatkan..orang lain tengok pengantin, aku je tgk pengapit n nak tawu apa perasaan pengapit..weird sungguh..haha.nampak tak bahasa rojak yang aku guna.. :P

On that day, i will be wearing 'kebaya' sure peluh aku akan menitik2 hari tu sebab pakai inner.hamekkk! Entah2 aku kipas diri aku sendiri.huahua.. :P Sorry maksu kalau ira bertindak sedemikian rupa. :P

p/s: Maid of honor semalam cangkul tanah depan rumah.sbb nk 'balance' kan tempat pelamin.takot senget lak kn. :P

Friday 25 May 2012

what's wrong with you.

Yesterday like a nightmare for me.

Petang semalam aku ada kelas, so, add up with presentation...habis kelas aku baru perasan ada 3 miskol.

Bile diamati nombor telefon tu............Jantung aku mcm nk tercabut, macam2 yang aku fikir..ganggu je aku nk test malam semalam. haish....

Apa lagi yg dia nak..?? Apa lagi yang dia tak puas hati??

Sudah-sudah la tu...

You dont remember what you have told me before?

I thought that was "the end" of our story... nothing more.nothing left...

Just live your life..

If you want to be my friend..its ok..

But, leave the memories behind.. open a new book..

p/s : SMILE ... :)

Thursday 24 May 2012

Puan 'Librarian' yang comel.

Petang tadi..aku dgn kawan2 aku pegi library nk buat kerja. kene online guna komputer kt situ..Student yg nk guna komputer library kene lah tinggalkn kad matrix kt kaunter & ambik nombor komputer...tot tet tot...sejam kemudian aku hbs buat. nak dijadikan cerita, aku pegi dkt kaunter untuk ambik balik kad aku...

Aku : "puan, komputer no. 14 dh hbs guna"
Puan : ok..jap ea..(sambil mencari kad aku)
Aku : (senyum)
Puan : awk punye..
Aku : terima kasih.. :)
Puan : Ame2 & tersenyum...(buat yg xtawu ----> sama-sama)
Aku : (hairan...sambil tergelak kecik...) :) [dlm hati, hyper tol puan ni, comelllll]

p/s : saya suka librarian KBM.hihi. 

Friday 18 May 2012

Hadiah untuk hari ibu (&ayah) dan juga guru-guruku

14 May 2012...My convocation.finally.... even though I did not perform well in my diploma like Dean List (DL) student, I am still proud of myself.. my convocation day is in between Hari Ibu and Hari Guru.

It is fair...wee~  :)

Proud, nervous and sort of..that kind of feeling is hard to define when by right you step on the stage and waiting for the MC called your name... WOW..hebat.. :)

Walaupun segulung diploma, bukan degree or master or Phd....i am still proud.. why.....??

because i can see from my parents face, they are happy.. sebelum ke konvo, my mother reminds me on everything...kasut mane nak pakai?,dh polish?jubah dh masuk dlm beg?roti dh bawak(bekalan dlm dewan sementara tunggu giliran.sbb sure lapar.haha)?and bila aku nk pakai bedak (compact powder) and make up little bit (series aku tak pakai make up byk), she helped me with that.........tgk,betapa happynya dia.. (sebak aku...)

my father, took pictures with me before heading to Shah Alam...dia pakai segak hari tu..Lepas tu,dia tahu yang aku suka, sebelum masuk uitm, he asked "nk makan dulu x?"..aku jawab boleh gak..then die cakap "nk mkn pe?KFC nk??(ayah cakap sambil angkat kening)  :) haha.boleh je.. :P

I love THEM.

Bila mereka senyum,kita sebagai anak akan bahagia...percayalah..

Yes, selagi aku hidup, aku harap dapat menggembirakan mereka sebanyak dan semampu yang mungkin.

Dan harapan aku lg,2 thn lg aku akan hadiah kan mereka segulung ijazah...insyaAllah...amiinn.. SELAMAT HARI IBU (AYAH) :))

Buat guru-guruku dan pensyarah-pensyarah:

"terima kasih yang tak terhingga atas setiap ilmu yang sanggup dikongsi,
pengorbanan cikgu2 dan pensyarah2 takkan saya lupakan kerana apa yang saya 'gengam' hari ini dari didikan cikgu2 dan pensyarah2 juga." :) SELAMAT HARI GURU!

this is OUR moment..

p/s: I love you.. :)

Sunday 13 May 2012

Selamat Hari Ibu

Ira sayang ibu,
Terima Kasih gagah mengandungkan kami 9 bulan lebih, 
Terima Kasih kerana beri kasih sayang yang tak terhingga kepada ira, akak,angah dan alan,
Terima Kasih membesarkan kami dengan penat lelah bekerja seharian,
Terima Kasih kerana memberikan kami ilmu yang bermanfaat untuk di dunia dan di akhirat kelak,
Terima Kasih menjadi pembimbing dan teman yang setia di kala susah dan senang,
Terima Kasih kerana segalanya ibu...
Akak, Angah, Ira & Alan sayang ibu..

ini untuk ibu :)

Aku 'on' laptop,
Ibu membuka Facebooknya,
Aku tunjukkan video ini di wall nya,
Aku kata : Ibu, ni untuk ibu... :) selamat hari ibu..
Ibu tersenyum,
Ibu menonton,
Ibu menangis,
Aku pun sebak,
Aku cium ibu,
Ibu pn memeluk ku..
Aku katakan padanya 'terima kasih ibu'
Ibu kata :Sama2.. Terima kasih...Ibu doakan anak2 ibu berjaya..belajar betul2 :')

Ira Sayang Ibu.. :)

p/s : slide "budak nakal ibu', ibu tergelak...(ye,aku tawu aku nakal :P ) haha

Friday 11 May 2012

akhiran 'WHY I WANT A WIFE'

J U D Y   B R A D Y
I Want a Wife (1971)

I belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am A Wife. And, not altogether incidentally, I am a mother. 

Not too long ago a male friend of mine appeared on the scene fresh from a
recent divorce. He had one child, who is, of course, with his ex-wife. He is looking for another wife. As I thought about him while I was ironing one evening, it
suddenly occurred to me that I, too, would like to have a wife. Why do I want a

I would like to go back to school so that I can become economically independent, support myself, and, if need be, support those dependent upon me. I
want a wife who will work and send me to school. And while I am going to school
I want a wife to take care of my children. I want a wife to keep track of the children’s doctor and dentist appointments. And to keep track of mine, too.

 I want a wife to make sure my children eat properly and are kept clean. I want a wife who
will wash the children’s clothes and keep them mended. I want a wife who is a
good nurturant attendant to my children, who arranges for their schooling,
makes sure that they have an adequate social life with their peers, takes them to
the park, the zoo, etc. I want a wife who takes care of the children when they are
sick, a wife who arranges to be around when the children need special care, because, of course, I cannot miss classes at school. My wife must arrange to lose
time at work and not lose the job. It may mean a small cut in my wife’s income
from time to time, but I guess I can tolerate that. Needless to say, my wife will
arrange and pay for the care of the children while my wife is working.

I want a wife who will take care of my physical needs. I want a wife who will
keep my house clean. A wife who will pick up after my children, a wife who will
pick up after me. I want a wife who will keep my clothes clean, ironed, mended,
replaced when need be, and who will see to it that my personal things are kept in
their proper place so that I can find what I need the minute I need it. I want a
wife who cooks the meals, a wife who is a good cook. I want a wife who will plan
the menus, do the necessary grocery shopping, prepare the meals, serve them
pleasantly, and then do the cleaning up while I do my studying. I want a wife who
will care for me when I am sick and sympathize with my pain and loss of time
from school. I want a wife to go along when our family takes a vacation so that
someone can continue to care for me and my children when I need a rest and
change of scene.

I want a wife who will not bother me with rambling complaints about a
wife’s duties. But I want a wife who will listen to me when I feel the need to explain a rather difficult point I have come across in my course of studies. And I
want a wife who will type my papers for me when I have written them.

I want a wife who will take care of the details of my social life. When my wife
and I are invited out by my friends, I want a wife who will take care of the
babysitting arrangements. When I meet people at school that I like and want to
entertain, I want a wife who will have the house clean, will prepare a special meal,
serve it to me and my friends, and not interrupt when I talk about things that interest me and my friends. I want a wife who will have arranged that the children
are fed and ready for bed before my guests arrive so that the children do not
bother us. I want a wife who takes care of the needs of my guests so that they feel
comfortable, who makes sure that they have an ashtray, that they are passed the
hors d’oeuvres, that they are offered a second helping of the food, that their wine
glasses are replenished when necessary, that their coffee is served to them as they
like it. And I want a wife who knows that sometimes I need a night out by myself.

I want a wife who is sensitive to my sexual needs, a wife who makes love passionately and eagerly when I feel like it, a wife who makes sure that I am satisfied.
And, of course, I want a wife who will not demand sexual attention when I am
not in the mood for it. I want a wife who assumes the complete responsibility for
birth control, because I do not want more children. I want a wife who will remain
sexually faithful to me so that I do not have to clutter up my intellectual life with
jealousies. And I want a wife who understands that my sexual needs may entail
more than strict adherence to monogamy. I must, after all, be able to relate to
people as fully as possible.

If, by chance, I find another person more suitable as a wife than the wife I already have, I want the liberty to replace my present wife with another one. Naturally, I will expect a fresh new life; my wife will take the children and be solely responsible for them so that I am left free.

When I am through with school and have a job, I want my wife to quit working and remain at home so that my wife can more fully and completely take care
of a wife’s duties.

My God, who wouldn’t want a wife?

Pagi tadi ada kelas bahasa Inggeris (BEL), at the end of the class my lecturer(perempuan) said "OK, turn to page 313.. i will read it for u.."

selingan, bagi diorang school tu universiti..

 lepas tu dia pn baca la sampai habis..
then, dia tanya kitorg apa yang Judy Brady ni nk cuba sampai kn apa?..conclusion? inference?

ada yang jawab "wife responsiblity"
maybe ada dlm hati ckp "lesbian.."
ada yang ckp "duties of wife"
macam2 lagi yang diteka....bla..bla...bla...panjang lebar jwpn..


my lecturer said..




wrong..(sambil geleng kepala) (utk semua jawapan)

aku pun kebenda jawapan yang dia nk... dh semua jawapan salah..

pastu madam ckp,

"A husband do not do anything actually"

#tersenyap semua..

Then, semua perempuan gelak..

Lelaki semua tunduk....



Friday 4 May 2012

Petang di melaka

owh tidak.sunyi dlm rumah.semuanye balik. sob3.. tomorrow ade raptai konvo and amik jubah.nexweek is my big day (convocation)..tak buleh nak balik sgt sebb last week dh blk.taknak la menyusahkn parents nk hantar blk melaka lagi.. bukan tak boleh balik sendiri naek bus kn,tp my parents apa2 pn akan nak hantar gak. Kesian la kt dorg.lagi pun my beloved sis voluteer nk amik kn jubah. thank u akak :) so, plan for this week just balik kampung je.hihi. teman nenek kampung and mane tawu nak tolong2 pakcik aku yg bakal berkahwin penghujung mei ni (edar2 kad/kemas rumah sikit) hihihi.

so, aku di bilik hanya berteman kt laptop dan mengonlinekan apa2 yang patut, jap lagi baru gerak blk kampung..dokek jo,kt melaka jugak :P

ini adalah pandangan melaka pada pukul 6 :P terik matahari yang mencengkam.huhu

dan ini jalan raya yang amat sibuk sebelah kolej

(sila abaikan loji tu) :P

p/s : cool....enjoy your weekend :P

Thursday 3 May 2012


Bila kita berhadapan dengan masalah, ia adalah satu proses kematangan. Walaupun pahit ditelan, kita tetap harus dan mesti mengharunginya.

Kuatkan iman, kuatkan hati.

Sekuat mana kita menangis, semarah mana kita pun, masalah tetap masalah.

Ada orang kata ---> jangan meratapi masalah tersebut (menangis,berfikir terus menerus,meraung dan etc) TETAPI carilah jalan penyelesaian sebab meratapi masalah tersebut tak mendatangkan apa2 kesan dan tidak dapat menyelesaikannya. 

Pengalaman mematangkan seseorang.
Masalah adalah kehidupan.
Tidak ada orang dlm dunia ini tak ada masalah.

Someone was said to me..until today i still remember..he said "pengalaman dan masalah tidak mematangkan seseorang"..
Do u agree with him?
i do not agree.because when you have many experiences in handling so much problems, it will teach you to be great person and improve your personal behaviour and attitudes towards life. You have learn something in your life.

p/s : in my opinion.

Tuesday 1 May 2012


Pensyarah aku menyarankan studentnya berfikir secara liberalisme.. 

 Liberalisme menekankan hak-hak peribadi serta kesamarataan peluang. Dalam fahaman liberalisme, pelbagai aliran dengan nama "liberal" mungkin mempunyai dasar dan pandangan yang berlainan, tetapi secara umumnya aliran-aliran ini bersetuju dengan prinsip-prinsip berikut termasuk kebebasan berfikir dan kebebasan bersuara, batasan kepada kuasa kerajaan, kedaulatan undang-undang, hak individu ke atas harta persendirian, pasaran bebas dan ketelusan sistem pemerintahan.

*prinsip kebebasan adalah berbeza mengikut negara

liberalisme yang dimaksudkan tidak lah sehingga menyokong lesbian, gay, biseksual dan sama waktu dengannya dan yang paling penting tidak melangkaui batas2 agama dan undang2 negara...tapi lebih kepada pemikiran yang lebih kreatif, bebas dan adil. 

Bila difikirkan,


kerana dari pandangan mcm tu dan pemikiran mcm tu kita dapat melihat kehidupan manusia ini dari sudut pengadilan dan lebih menjurus kpd kemanusiaan. Bayangkan jika tiada pemikiran seperti itu, kita masih duduk di bwh tempurung dan mengikut seperti lembu dicucuk hidung...


Pemikiran seperti ini jika tidak dikawal akan mendatangkan kemudaratan kerana melihat kebebasan tersebut hanya utk kepentingan sendiri dan hawa nafsu shj. 

Adakah salah bagi rakyat menyatakan pandangan dan menyatakan prinsip mereka??

Manusia diciptakan bukan dengan sama prinsip dan sama pemikiran. malah manusia dilahirkan dengan akal yang boleh berfikir dan melihat dengan adil. 

Jadi, tidak salah apa yang dikatakan oleh penyarah aku.

Liberalisme jika dipraktikkan dalam diri pelajar, pandangan mereka lebih luas, pemikiran mereka lebih kreatif dan terbuka tanpa dikongkong dengan pemikiran yang sempit dan 'diktator'.

this is his statement : 
 pentadbiran rights and liberties berbeza mengikut undang undang tiap tiap negara.......rights and liberties are subject to municipal or national laws......."

"janganlah hendaknya kita menjadi mangsa.......sama juga dengan kemelut politik yang mendepani bangsa kita hari ini.......selidik sejauh mana yang kita mampu.......ambil lah yang paling jernih setelah maklumat itu di turas.......sementara di menara gading yang membenarkan kita liberal dalam mnerima maklumat.........nanti bila hidup menjadi semakin menekan....soal periuk nasi dan kesejahteraan keluarga menjadi variable utama........keputusan keputusan kita lebih cenderung kepada self preservation ( macam ahli ahli politik dewasa ini)maka kejayaan seorang manusia menghadapi ujian allah ialah sejauh mana dia berpegang kepada prinsip prinsip kebenaran.........itulah matlamat dan natijahnya utama ilmu."

when the time pass by

you know you can do it
you learn from it
you try to fix it
you do everything,
you gain and loss something,

finally you get what you need, not what you want. It is more better..
and says

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Tak pernah sedar diri.

Bila dah rasa sakit, bila dh rasa terkena..tapi tak sedar diri..orang ckp tak insaf.. pelik2..

orang cakap..'susah2,bini tua gak...'

yang ni...'susah2, ex lama gak.." hadoiiiiii...

ada persamaan ke??


ingat kn bila dah terkena,sedar diri tu.. berubah kottttttt... tapi hanya tinggal KOT..

p/s : kepada yang berkenaan..cermin muka, rawat jiwa, duduk diam2 dan insaf la (gaya Dr.Fadzilah Kamsah)


Saturday 21 April 2012

kecik ----> besar = masalah

situasi bancuh air teh....
L : "jgn letak gula banyak sgt.."
P : "mane de...sikit je la.rase ni.tak manis pn." (tangan mencedok sesudu gula lagi)
L : "tu yang masuk kn lagi tu knpe??"
P : "laa.. tawar la.tu yg saya tmbh gula...."
L : merasa air.."Tengok...manisnyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...!pegi letak air lagi"
P : "kalau ckp elok2 tu tak boleh ea..."
L : "laa...tu pn nk jadi masalah.cakap sikit dh cakap tak elok."
P : "dh la! awk buat air sendiri pasni.cerewet!" (muke dh masam & meninggalkan dapur)

haa...kan dh bergaduh..masam2 muke..tak pasal2 je..pasal gula lak tu.. Cuba masing2 ayat tu cantik..tegur pn baik.. kalau agak2 manis..yg L ni tuang la air kosong sendiri dlm cawan tu.. lagi satu,yg P ni pn dh tawu orang tu allergy manis tak yah letak gula pn xpe..

p/s : hiburan semata2..tak berkaitan dengan yang hidup ataupun mati...fantasi semata-mata...

Friday 20 April 2012

mencari yang 'sempurna'..

Sempurna... it doesnt mean perfectly perfect.. but we try to search what we WANT exactly.. maybe from your point of view, that person, thing or others are perfect...but you dont know that other people think it is not perfect.

After my hard time, i realize we couldnt find someone perfectly perfect.. but we will find someone that suitable with us.. someone that understand us, make us smile and happy..

Bagi aku, dia 'sempurna'..sempurna bagi konteks diri one can understand except myself.. sbb i created ciri2 sempurna own definition of perfect..

All people created their own definition of perfect.. 

p/s : Happy 7th monthsary dear.Alhamdulillah.. InsyaAllah kalau mmg jodoh kite xkn ke mana.smpai bila2..  :)

sejarah kita

Apa yang dikatakan di sini..tak semua sejarah ditulis dengan betul..yes! TAK SEMUA... ada yang direka dan dicipta utk sedapkan jalan cerita, menutup kesalahan orang-orang berkepentingan dan menjadikan orang-orang  tertentu HERO dlm sejarah.. this is not funny..seriously..

'Lost' colonial papers made public


The Foreign Office has finally made public the first batch of 

thousands of "lost" colonial era files believed to have been destroyed.

The documents, which were secretly sent back to the UK when former colonies became independent, shed new light on how British officials ran overseas territories including Kenya, Cyprus and present-day Malaysia.
They also record how colonial administrators planned to burn other classified papers - potentially revealing abuses committed under British rule - before handing power to the new indigenous governments.
The Foreign Office only admitted last year that it held some 8,800 files at Hanslope Park in Buckinghamshire which were "migrated" to Britain from colonies at the time of independence because of their sensitivity.
More than 1,200 of these records were released today at the National Archives in Kew, west London, the first of six tranches in a process due to be completed by November 2013.

A memo in the Kenyan files dated May 1961 sets out the criteria under which papers were to be "migrated".
Then-colonial secretary Iain Macleod said the aim was to ensure no files were passed to a post-independence regime which "a) might embarrass HMG (Her Majesty's Government in Britain) or other governments; b) might embarrass members of the police, military forces, public servants or others eg police informers; c) might compromise sources of intelligence information; d) might be used unethically by ministers in the successor Government." Dr Edward Hampshire, diplomatic and colonial records specialist at the National Archives, said these guidelines were interpreted "very liberally indeed" by the different colonial administrations, with one even retaining the personnel files for people working as drivers. Kenyan ministry of defence files state that British officials were told to divide all documents into the categories of "legacy" material, which could be left behind, and "watch" material, which could not. One memo dated April 1961 - two years before Kenyan independence - noted: "The aim will be to ensure that as much material as possible is left for the unimpaired functioning of the succeeding independent government, and for the proper recording of the past...

"'Watch' material can only be seen by 'authorised' officers. An 'authorised' officer is defined in the draft as a servant of the Kenya government who is a British subject of European descent, and who has been security cleared to see classified documents." It added: "To obviate a too laborious scrutiny of 'dead' files, emphasis is placed on destruction - a vast amount of paper in the Ministry of Defence secret registry and classified archives could be burnt without loss, and I should be surprised if the same does not apply to the CS's (chief secretary's) Office." A detailed document explaining how to decide which files should be given "watch" designation added: "There is undoubtedly much old classified material in many offices which is never used, even for reference, and which has no historical significance: this should be burnt by an 'authorised' officer in person." It stressed that the "very existence" of "watch" material should never be revealed, and advised that officials might need to change page numbers in files to disguise the removal of sensitive papers. There are similar references to the destruction of classified material in the files relating to Malaya, which became independent in 1957 and joined with three other states to form Malaysia in 1963. In July 1956, the private secretary to British high commissioner Sir Donald MacGillivray raised the question of what should be done with old papers. He wrote: "I have been through them and it would seem that some contain items of historical interest in the event of anyone writing a history of the Emergency (the 1948-1960 conflict with communist guerillas) or biography of former high commissioners. "The others should be dealt with in detail, but I have not time to do this. Would you agree to their disposal as suggested against individual files in the list."

A separate appendix listing the material proposed for destruction includes documents relating to a visit to Malaya by the Duchess of Kent and "law and order" files covering intelligence, the internal security committee and situation reports. It is not known what happened to these papers, but archivists who have gone through the Malaya files say there are only limited references to the alleged Batang Kali massacre of December 1948, when British troops shot dead 24 unarmed rubber plantation workers. The "migrated" archives came to light in January last year after four elderly Kenyans brought a High Court case against the UK Government over the alleged torture of Kenyan Mau Mau rebels in British camps in the 1950s. Only a third of the Kenyan files were released today, but they contain detailed bureaucratic accounts of the policy of seizing the livestock of people suspected of aiding the Mau Mau insurgency. On January 5 1955 a British district commissioner seized a total of 30 sheep from four members of the Kikuyu tribe who worked on the farm of a Mr SJO Armstrong in the Naivasha district of Rift Valley Province.

A short file on the case reveals that these were all the animals they owned. The action was prompted by suspicions that they had "harboured and fed" a 40-strong Mau Mau gang for a fortnight. In a line expressing the frustration, and perhaps vindictiveness, of the UK colonial administrators, an official wrote: "Owing to the fact that the Kikuyu labour was totally unco-operative and showed no signs of assisting security forces, native stock was seized." Tony Badger, a Cambridge University history professor who has been appointed by the Foreign Office as an independent reviewer of the archive's release, acknowledged that there was a "legacy of suspicion" about the documents among journalists and academics. But he stressed that so far no files have been withheld from release at the National Archives, and significantly less than 1% of the content has been redacted.

from : 

p/s : kaji sejarah...berhati2 lah..