Sometimes i said "Its ok, si polan bin si polan lagi pandai, lagi better dari aku....bla..bla.." (you know when people are not confident with his/her self)
But, you know what, sometimes i feel like, "Just accept the way i am, maybe i didn't see what am i capable of, my strength,maybe other people do" Then i feel ok.. Just be yourself, do your best.
I have to challenge myself to do something sometimes, especially when it comes to presentation in front of your classmates and lecturers. Here are the issues, how well you explain somethings, how good is your language and how you can attract most of the audience to hear your presentation? From diploma until i further my degree, i still trying to improve my presentations every semester even though i feel the same. :D
Besides that, i admit when i write an entry/blog in English BI, it makes me think twice or more than that. BUT then i remind myself just do whatever you want as long as your actions are not against the law and your beliefs/religion. #peace
Everyday in your or my life is a learning process. Typing error, bad grammar, wrong answers, conflicts and etc teach you to be more confident because you can fix it and learn from it.
p/s: Sorry if my English isn't good, still learning..haha